Cloud Security

    Detecting and preventing the misconfigurations and threats that lead to data breaches and compliance violations is growing ever more difficult as cloud architectures become increasingly complex.

    Detect, prevent, and remediate threats with the power of machine learning
    The key to powerful cloud threat detection and high-fidelity alerts is depth and breath of threat intelligence and machine-learning. By combining rule- and behavior-based analytics with an unmatched view into your cloud environments, SecOps can rise above the noise, prevent threats, and get to remediation faster.


    Discover and protect data at scale
    As the growth rate for data skyrockets, it’s critical to adopt a more sophisticated and nuanced approach to managing it. A secure cloud native environment requires an integrated, automated way to quickly identify sensitive data and ensure it’s protected, free from malware and in compliance.


    • Ensure complete coverage across the application lifecycle
      • Establish guardrails and maintain compliance across public clouds
      • Detect and respond to threats across clouds with network anomaly detection and UEBA
      • Data classification and malware scanning across public cloud storage


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